
AngloServicios provided simultaneous interpretation services during the official visit of Siobhán Mullally

AngloServicios provided simultaneous interpretation services during the official visit of Siobhán Mullally, special rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and girls, on behalf of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

The official visit of Siobhán Mullally, United Nations Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and girls, highlighted the importance of addressing comprehensively the challenges Colombia faces on protecting vulnerable populations. During Ms. Mullally’s stay in Colombia, she attended key meetings with the authorities to analyze the progress achieved so far and the remaining challenges to reach a better future.

The meetings were crucial to understand the vulnerabilities faced equally by Colombian citizens, refugees, stateless persons and migrants within Colombian territory. The discussions focused on issues such as sexual or labor exploitation, forced recruitment and the way illegal armed groups use and abuse populations at risk.

AngloServicios was hired to provide English<>Spanish simultaneous interpretation services during the meetings, as well as translation services for relevant documents. It is especially important to highlight the need for simultaneous interpretation services during the meetings between Ms. Mullally and the victims and survivors since the English language was the only means of communication. It was particularly important to convey the precise meaning and intention of the survivors’ testimonies as well as the questions and reactions of the Special Rapporteur.

Why simultaneous interpretation is important?

Good communication is the basis of cooperation, understanding and conflict resolution. However, the language barrier may be a major obstacle for effective communication among representatives from the different nations. Hence, professional simultaneous interpretation is an essential tool in the diplomatic field as it makes it possible to overcome the language barrier and to facilitate fluid dialogue among leaders.

During the meetings, AngloServicios professional interpreters were responsible for making sure that the ideas were transmitted in a precise manner and with no inconsistencies from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English. Simultaneous interpretation services are particularly important when issues related to vulnerable populations are addressed. Accurate interpretation can make a difference in the effectiveness of the protection strategies and policies to be implemented. Furthermore, simultaneous interpretation services from Spanish to English are fundamental during field visits to victims, survivors or leaders of organizations so that they may share their experiences and stories with the foreign guests. It is expected that these individuals prefer to speak Spanish because it is their mother tongue. Professional simultaneous interpretation is then required to convey their experiences, feelings, frustrations, and hopes accurately.

We are confident that the meetings, discussions and the knowledge-sharing during Ms. Mullally´s visit will serve as a starting point for a greater commitment and concrete actions in the fight against human trafficking in Colombia.

Communicating is much more than just speaking the same language

Simultaneous interpretation is more than just translating words. Interpreters do not convey the literal meaning of statements, but they rather capture the subtleties and nuances of language, as well as the context behind words so all ideas are fully understood. Thus, professional simultaneous interpretation services allow representatives from different cultures to understand one another fully and to address effectively the problems that affect diverse populations.

Accordingly, the success of an international meeting or visit may depend on the effort and the preparation of interpreters, the use of appropriate equipment and the commitment to offer the   best possible service.

Learn more about simultaneous interpretation, also known as simultaneous translation, by reading the article Remote Simultaneous Interpretation, a modern tool.

Tackling challenges as One

AngloServicios is always willing to provide its services to promote cooperation and mutual understanding for the benefit of those who need it most.

Learn more about how AngloServicios’ professional simultaneous interpreters have contributed in events that have positively impacted the reality in certain regions by clicking here.

Are you interested in hiring simultaneous interpretation services, either remote or on-site? If you would like to receive more information on these services or receive a price quote, please click on the contact button located at the top of the page. AngloServicios will be glad to contribute to the success of your event.

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